For me it is knowledge and supreme value. I have always attached great importance to science and its effects, both in my student life and in my professional business life. Information; It has been a very valuable foundation that enabled me to improve myself, do my job better and make a difference.
Therefore; When establishing our own company, Çelebioğlu Gıda, I aimed to be not only a commercial company, but also an institution where information is collected, new information is added and this information can be used in the most efficient way. Naturally, I designed the corporate culture DNA of our company to be information.
Since the first day, knowledge has enabled us to produce with modern technologies and innovate with our R&D studies to offer better and differentiating products every day.
In addition, our respect for nature and people has been a sacred purpose to process our hazelnut, the gold of the Black Sea, in the most natural and efficient way.
We have determined customer satisfaction as our basic principle that we never compromise on.
Beyond providing quality products to our customers as a supplier, we have also been able to become a solution partner by transferring our knowledge.
With all these features, we have always managed to stand out as a company that makes a difference in both domestic and international markets.
We are aware that our pursuit of perfection can only be realized through continuous development. Therefore, with the excitement of the first day, we are constantly learning and improving.
As we develop, our role in the development of our region improves, as do the job opportunities we provide.
Thus, we are pleased to be able to continuously grow our market share.As a result, we believe in science and trust in knowledge. We are justifiably proud to base our corporate existence on this foundation. Because knowledge is the greatest value.